ENERGY: Community is important to us, we believe that the built environment is ultimately to shape an atmosphere for social beings. IMEG Magnetic Energy Generators (MEG) is a new and serious player in the energy sector. We respect the impact that one building has on its surroundings and actively include the broader community in every decision and action taken in the design process.

WATER:  Life basics such as water tend to take precedence over most other issues when considering city planning. Our plan for local water generation via our iDROP Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG) solves many urban and rural expansions for a city. We will no longer have restrictions on where a city is developed and who has access to a much needed resource.  We invite the greater public voice to assist in the development of our communities. Please write to us to contribute feedback, comments, questions and support in our design process.

  • FOOD: In practice and research, the role of iGROW AI Vertical Farming, new information and communication technologies within urban spaces is being discussed increasingly under the heading “Sustainable Smart City”. This encompasses various concepts and ideas that address the links between technical and social innovations and current urban challenges.
  • HOUSING: iBUILD and iPODD Cities also create tremendous opportunities for economic development – 80% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product is created in cities; for career development – urban citizens earn on average three times the income of their rural counterparts; and for sustainability – people living in larger cities tend to have smaller energy footprints, require less infrastructure, consume less resources, and have higher productivity levels. For example, a city of 8 million has 15% more productivity and 15% less infrastructure needs than do two cities of four million each.
  • LOCAL Smart City initiatives can help overcome the limitations of traditional urban development that tends to manage urban infrastructure systems in silos. By leveraging the pervasive character of data and services offered by digital technologies, such as Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, or Open Data, they help connect different city stakeholders, improve citizen involvement, offer new and enhance existing services, and provide context-aware views on city operations. Smart City development is, however, highly complex, challenging and context-specific. The challenges include different discourses used by technologists and policymakers, lack of capacity to connect urban sustainability challenges to actionable approaches, and pressures on social and territorial cohesion requiring unique governance solutions.



Smart City Development in a modern world is now an inevitable situational fact due to climate, social and economic changes demanded by the United Nations Council.

Sustainable Estate Housing

Yorm Mission alongside iCRE8 Sustainable innovation would like to invite you to participate in the development of our sustainable community model. Please write to us to contribute feedback, comments, questions and support in our design process.