Off Grid Water!

The iWater Atmospheric Water Generator is also suitable for developing communities in rural areas that lack access to reliable, clean water, with an off-grid efficient energy system.

Clean Water...

iCRE8 Water with iDROP AWG is a technology that provides water from air through a unique technological process. Units are available for in home use and can be scaled to an industrial size unit that can supply up to 400 thousand Litres of water per day. Positioned to be an industry leader by providing clean, cost-effective, efficient, and viable alternative to city supplied ground water. The energy technology will be either solar or magnetic energy. Living Off-Grid has never been easier. Filtration, re-mineralization, and high PH capable.

iDROP Generator!

The iDROP Atmospheric Water Generation is fully Off-Grid capable.  Clean Water is essential and by building strategic partnerships with utility providers that are suitable for adopting iDROP units into their communities for residential or commercial applications. Our AWG Water Generator Plant can be deployed anywhere.

Generating zero-emissions, No radiation, No pollutants, No toxins, high-efficiency, and scalable fresh water solutions through advanced innovations in engineering and technology